Upgrading MUGIC Firmware
Visit http://mugicmotion.com/ and follow the upgrade link.
Download the latest published firmware (e.g., a file called main.bin).
Connect to MUGIC® in AP mode.
Visit http:/ in your browser.
On that page, click on "Choose File", choose 'main.bin' from your Downloads folder.
Click on "Upload". A progress banner will eventually indicate "Progress 100%".
Wait up to a minute for validation until the page says "Firmware upgraded. Device restarting". The device will restart with the new firmware installed. You can reconnect to it, if needed, and verify the new version by visiting http:/
Troubleshooting: If validation fails or the connection is unstable upload may fail. The page will say "Firmware upgrade failed" or a popup will declare "Connection to the server was lost." In that case a power cycle (turning MUGIC® off and on) is recommended and restarting the process at Step 3 above.
Last updated